Book of Abstracts
The book of abstracts of FNS2023 can be downloaded here. The book contains information about the conference venue, the program, and includes abstracts of the talks and posters arranged in alphabetical order based on the last name of the presenting author.
Conference Program
The scientific program of FNS2023 will include 4 days of talks in a single, plenary-session format as well as poster sessions.This program will include 6 themes each hosting a number of invited and/or contributed talks. These themes explore nanomechanical vibrations of complex, meta, 2D and low-dimensional materials.
The program can be also downloaded via this link.
FNS 2023
FNS 2023FNS2023@tudelft.nl
FNS 2023FNS 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
TU Delft XTU Delft XMekelweg 8-10 2628CD Delft Netherlands